Tuesday 6 November 2018

100 word challenge

It was 3am at night, Lily heard a faint scratching noise. Turning in her sleep, she felt uncomfortable. A sudden thump was heard, Lily jumped up from her bed, alarmed. She shook her head and sat back on the bed. "Ignore it." She tells herself. But curiosity got the best of her. Grabbing her phone from her drawer, putting on the torch. Tiptoeing to the attic, where the sounds were heard. The floor creaks to the sudden movement. Lily reached the attic door, …I wondered what was behind the door… She placed her head on the door, hearing sharp noises like someone was sharping a knife. She didn't understand, so she opened the door slowly.

Police Report:
12-year-old Lily has been found dead in front of her attic door, time: 3:24 am. Further investigations will be held on the following morning. 

Wednesday 31 October 2018

100 Word Challenge.

"Do it!" Avery taunted.
"Why should I? It would get me into trouble..." Lily replied.
"Because I said so!" Avery yelled, hands on her hips.
"...Fine." Lily reluctantly agreed.
Lily got up from her spot on the field with a sigh and slowly made her way to the teachers which were in a heated argument.
Lily shyly stood by the teachers, patiently waiting for the argument to end. The teachers took no notice of her and continued on debating who was going to use the massage chair. Lily played with her fingers then turned to face where Avery was sitting. Avery nodded at her and poked the air suggesting that Lily should poke the teachers to get their attention.
Lily did as instructed, the teachers turned and faced her with an extremely annoyed look.
"What do you want?!" The teachers bristled.
Lily fell backward in fright, her head hitting a rock.

Thursday 18 October 2018


I'm doing pretty well on this one.
A good start to this term! :D

Tuesday 16 October 2018

100w challenge boi

Bubbles slowly rose up through the bathtub disturbing the peaceful water. I pour in the massive amount of rubber duckies into the fizzy water, small yellow ducks make contact with the water. The ducks sway around like they danced to their own tune. Feeling a little thirsty, I gently picked up my orange juice, took a sip, as I look at the bathroom mirror. Forgetting about the juice, I clumsily dropped my orange juice into the bathtub. Panicking, I wave my hands around like a useless fighter in a boxing ring. The water becomes cold as the orange juice seeps in and creates a cold feeling on my thigh. 


Sunday 27 May 2018

muh 100 word challenge

Those nasty, smelly yet spiky durians.
As you open them...BAm bAM the smell hits you, your eyes roll back as you hit the floor with a thud. Unconscious, the durian has attacked. Your friend rages at the durian and throws it aside while pinching his/her nose. He/she PERFORMS CPR, hoping you would survive the vicious attack of the durian. Your third friend (If you have one) ignores the half dead limp body that's sprawled on the floor and that person that’s attempting CPR and takes the durian away to eat it.

You wake up the next day with a bruised chest from the failed CPR and a cut up durian next to you with a note.
‘Get well soon son/daughter! Call me after you wake up! Also eat these delicious durians!’

Your eyes roll back for the second time.

yuh nasty

BRuh BURbrhhrhrhrhrbrburbrubrurhhrhruhurhrhu

Tuesday 8 May 2018

100 word challenge.

get yeeted
100-word challenge...

Oh yay.

I was running in the woods with my brother behind me...He was holding a bat. I was screaming. It was terrifying, I was running for my life. I had to pay the price for eating his snacks. I looked back, oh goodness me...He glared at me and ran faster, swinging his bat recklessly at me. Now I was running backward, he was slow after all. He suddenly stopped and smirked, I was clueless about what was going to happen. I suddenly tripped as I fell over something plastic. Ouch. I hit something hard and fell forward. I groaned and stood up, staring at what I tripped over and bumped into. This huge rusty pair of legs? I look down to see caution tape. Oops! Soon I hear shouting, people told me to move...I backed away.

Oops, that was long I kinda ran out of ideas...

Sunday 6 May 2018

Where did you meet success, and who might benefit most from what you've learned along the way?☺️
I meet success in formal language today, I learned what to do and my friend helped me on the first question. I think I benefit the most today C:

O geez.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

HiYya fellow children.
Im hungry.

Monday 19 March 2018

100 word challenge.

100 word challenge.
I was in desperate need of a nice looking, comfortable and cute seat in the backyard to sit on when I read my books in the afternoon. It was Christmas, Santa should have heard that he should. After all, I still believe in him. I waited and waited, it was 4:00 pm now. I knew it. Santa felt my desperation. BAM, one of his magical elf looking giants threw his teacup into my backyard. Half of it was on the ground. But still, it had a seat. It was clean too, so that's a plus. It was pretty as well, how intriguing. Thanks, santa. I sat in it and read, comfy.

-Im done. What is logic anymore?

100 word challenge.

100-word challenge.
 We were ready for the tree climbing competition. There, in front of me was the tree. So tall.
(I'm kidding)
The tree actually looks like this:
(just a bit more climbable)

I scoffed at my brother. "You go first, ill get a drink." Slurp slurp. I came back out with my bottle of REFRESHING water. My brother wasn't here? I started looking for him..I looked up. I dropped my cup. He was at the top how did he get up there? He wasn't laughing though. He was crying. I stared at him as he yelled at me "HELPPP". I left him to rot and went inside.

I saved him later on after he learned that he cant climb trees. He now has treebophobia.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

100 word challenge.

“TAG, YOUR IT!” I got tagged again! I ran around the woods chasing my friends while they giggled hysterically and provoked me with silly faces. “COME BACK HERE!” I screamed at them. They simply shrugged and ran further away from me. Ari, one of my friends pointed at me and shouted, “SLOW POKE!” Giggled again and started running backwards. “OW!” She hit a rather tall figure made out of some kind or weaving? What was it? We were focused on this. We then say there was a couple more of them further back. While the others were focused on these strange things, I tagged Ari and screeched. “HAHA UR IT!”

This typical story...BORing.

100 word challenge.

Driving...Me and my family are on our way home from a very nice trip overseas. We were moving very fast when..Splat! Something hit our car window. It blocked Dads view, we quickly pulled up on the side of the road to check what it was. It looked like an animal, a rather dead one in fact. It was a small monkey?“EW!” I jumped back. Dad just stared at the monkey. Mum quickly grabbed it by the hand and threw the monkey away on to the ground. Gasp. We hopped into the car and continued.

Another normal boring 100 word challenge, my children.

100 word challenge.

School, such a boring place. Nothing really fun goes here. It really has no point, I think? But what if I was in charge? The school would be much more entertaining and fun, you will be able to experience all types of learning...Such as...Games! Games can help you learn too, we will play games and let the kids relax for once. No more tests, exams or homework! Games will just be part of a normal school day, we could play sport, read or just do anything you want! It’s time for the children to teach the adults.

100-word challenge. I know, that was rather horrible.